“Amaryllis,” 9x12, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
“Storm’s passing,” 20x20, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
“The Picnic,” 16x20, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
“Amaryllis,” 9x12, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
“Storm’s passing,” 20x20, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
“The Picnic,” 16x20, oil by Mary Ellen Mabe
CHESTERTOWN — The Artists’ Gallery will present a new body of work by Mary Ellen Mabe titled “Chasing the Light,” beginning on First Friday, April 1.
In this series of oil paintings, Mabe was inspired to capture the essence of how light influences the landscape, the figure and florals, according to a news release.
“Chasing the light is one of my goals whenever I paint. It determines color, temperature, mood and helps tell the story,” Mabe said in the release.
Mabe is a partner with The Artists’ Gallery in Chestertown, a longtime member of the St. Michael’s Art League and a juried member of the Working Artists Forum in Easton.
She has participated annually in the Avalon Foundation’s Art in Easton Banner Program. Since 2012, she has shown her work in the Oxford Fine Arts Show, as well as the Mountain Maryland Plein Air Event, where she was awarded second place in the Maryland Mountain Community Quick Draw.
For the past 10 years, Mabe has successfully juried into Local Color, winning the Judge’s Award of Excellence in both 2015 and 2018. Local Color is sponsored by the Working Artists Forum and takes place annually in conjunction with Plein Air Easton.
Mabe’s work will be featured in The Artists’ Gallery throughout the month of April. The public is invited to visit the gallery for an opening reception 5 to 8 p.m. April 1 for light refreshments and to meet the artist.
The Artists’ Gallery is located at 239 High St. in Chestertown. It is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sundays.
For more information, call the gallery at 410-778-2425 or visit www.theartistsgalleryctown.com.
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